
Getting There

I suppose this blog entry isn't really for anyone, as much as it is for myself. After my injury in 2008 it was a long road to recovery. Over a year of physical and occupational therapy, a mixture of crutches and canes, and a few different doctors along the way. Because the injury was work related, you eventually reach what in the medical field is known as "medical end". This means that either you have completely recovered and no longer need the services or in my case, your recovery has plateaued. And while you may not have made a full recovery, a doctor, selected by the insurance company, makes the decision as to whether or not he or she feels you'd recover further from medical services.

A week or so after my long evaluation from that doctor I received a huge report in the mail with details about his point of view. This included his statement about my very small permanent disability (HA!) and another statement that there was a possibility for my knee to become weaker and worse off with time. How optimistic. You'd probably never notice unless you were closely inspecting the way I walk or comparing the size of my two legs that there's anything wrong. And, for the most part, I live my life as I did before the injury.

Still, my knee will buckle on occasion and doesn't respond well to quick movements like running and jumping. I've been able to push a little with my skateboard, enough to get a slow cruise going and I'm pretty happy with that. Last winter was my first strapping back into my snowboard. It's been pretty trying and frustrating to have to re-learn something I already had down cold. I know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, but getting my leg to respond how I want it too has been a slow process. Snowboarding was work, hard work, and it was hard to see results, especially with my knee screaming the longer I stayed strapped in.

I scored some free tickets to the Snow Bowl in Middlebury this year, and yesterday, headed out with a friend not sure what to expect from "the little leg". Maybe it's having another year behind me, maybe it was the 10 inches we had gotten the night before, but yesterday was my best day on snow since the injury. Even though my leg won't quite respond how I want it too, I'm learning to ride with what it will give me. It's finally starting to feel fun again, really fun.

I know it's corny, but it's true. If there's something standing in your way of doing something, anything, don't give up. Be patient and keep at it. You'll get there.

Still getting there,



  1. great post! So glad you had a good day on the mountain !!!

  2. I'm proud of you buddy! How's your black and blue knee?
