
A Coob Introduction

It doesn't seem there are very many places I am willing to fill out an 'about me', so perhaps it's best I do it on my own terms. And, if you are reading this, it's likely that I am not twisting your arms behind your back and pressing your face to the screen to get you to learn about me. So, that's on you!

A bit about me and why I started with all this 'COOB' business. After getting hurt and work, and subsequently being unable to work because of said injury, I had disgusting amounts of free time on my hands. I should mention that this is not the time of free time one desires. This is the sit still, with no one around, can't go anywhere, pull out your hair kind of free time. And, since I sometimes like my hair, I decided I'd better find something to keep myself busy.

It started with collecting bottle caps, a few here and there, and now it seems that I have an army of bottle cap collectors. Since they can't be recycled, I figured might as well try to do something with them. Thus, earrings, cuff links, magnets, and a few interesting other items were constructed with bottle caps. Bottle caps led to LEGO's, which were also fun. But, then I have always enjoyed LEGO's.

Yet even with what I suspect is thousands of bottle and LEGO's, there was still something I desired more: Skateboards. Yes, skateboards. Particularly, the kind that no one wants. I have two perfectly good working skateboards, and of course I can't use them because of my injury. So why in the world would I want more? I contacted my local indoor skatepark Talent in South Burlington, VT and proposed that I we help each other out. Every week I make a visit to Talent and pick up the broken, abused, and sometimes mind blowingly old skateboard decks that are headed for the trash. As you may imagine, skateboards aren't small, and aren't breaking down any time soon in the landfill. So, acquiring these broken decks has been a way for me to combine passions.

With the broken decks I tear them apart further to create new things, everything from jewelry to furniture (see lightning bolt pendant photo). I love working with the decks, and finding the life that's still left in them. The seven-ply wood layers that make up most of the decks seem to create many opportunities for me. In my opinion, the scars that tell the story of the life of the skateboard deck already offer some incredible art. And, I often find myself wondering what exactly 'this deck' has seen.

So there you go, that's why I do what I do. But you can check things out for yourself at http://cooboriginals.etsy.com/

And if you're wondering what's up with the name...? A friend of mine came up with it in attempt to turn my initials into a nickname : Coob. Upon giving my first pair of bottle cap earrings as a gift, my friend responded "My first pair of Coob Originals!" And, the name was born.

That's more than enough about me for now.



  1. I think you did a great job here on the blog and in your shop.
    keep up the great work,
    c ya in chat.

  2. thanks for sharing your story! I love to hear about how people got started
